The pragmatic programmer from journeyman to master
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master is a book about software engineering by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, published in October 1999, first in a series of books under the label The Pragmatic Bookshelf. Купить книгу The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master на английском языке. Книга «Программист-прагматик. Путь от подмастерья к мастеру» на английском. Автор: Andy Hunt. Формат: Мягкая обложка. Количество. Hunt A., Thomas D. / Хант Э., Томас Д. - The Pragmatic Programmer. From Journeyman to Master / Программист-прагматик. -- Ward Cunningham Straight from the programming trenches, The Pragmatic Programmer cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core process--taking a requirement and producing working, maintainable code that delights its users. 11 рецензий на книгу «The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master». Крайне полезная и в то же время хорошо написанная книга Э.Ханта и Д.М.Томаса "Программист прагматик". В ней авторы сравнивают работу. For me this is one of those 'must read' books. Even though much of the content will be obvious to experienced programmers it is always pleasant to have your opinions confirmed by others and when they are as well articulated Straight from the programming trenches, The Pragmatic Programmer cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core process--taking a requirement and producing working, maintainable code that delights its users. The Pragmatic Programmer. From Journeyman to Master / Программист-прагматик. Путь от подмастерья к мастеру. 2017-08-03 · Книга. Оригинал: The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. Andrew Hunt, David Thomas